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Wiltshire Council’s Draft Local Plan for Salisbury 

Published October 2024

The plan fails to prioritise the development of brownfield sites.

The Scheduled Monument and sites of archaeological importance are at risk.

Wiltshire Council has not properly consulted with the local community or other organisations. 

Beautiful greenfield land and its unique habitats are at risk of destruction.

Increased traffic in Harnham, will cause gridlock in Harnham and disruption in surrounding villages.

The plan does not align with principles of sustainable development.

Why This Matters

Impact on Traffic

This development will significantly increase traffic congestion
12th Oct 2023 - .jpg

Heighten reliance on cars

The proportion of journeys likely to be taken by foot or bike are overestimated, considering the hilly terrain and the lack of sustainable transport routes. 

There is no safe, buggy-friendly route to schools, and all major and healthcare services are across New Bridge Road. 

This will increase the demand car journeys.

College Roundabout Salisbury - Henrietta.jpg

Increased Congestion

The already congested roads of Salisbury, including the Harnham gyratory, will experience gridlock.


With the addition of 1,330 new homes on Netherhampton Road, Harnham will see at least 1,660 more cars on the road.

Ambulances may face delays reaching patients and the hospital during busy periods.​​

No robust traffic improvement plan

The road network, especially the Harnham Gyratory and Newbridge Road, cannot cope with the increased traffic associated with these new developments. 


Wiltshire Council does not have a funded plan to deal with the increases in vehicle capacity


Use of ratruns

There will be increased traffic on smaller roads and through villages, such as Old Blandford Road and the Coombe Bissett to Odstock Road.

These roads often do not have safe pavements and therefore increases the risk to pedestrians.

These issues do not seem to have been considered within the traffic modelling work done.

Why This Matters

Destruction of Greenfield Land

This development will destroy this greenfield land forever
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Impact on community recreation

Development on Sites 8 & 9 will impact the health, living conditions and natural environment enjoyed by hundreds of walkers, ramblers, and dog-walker who currently use the site.


The feeling of tranquillity will be significantly impacted by houses built on the west side of the field as they will impede the sweeping views. 

No prior consultation with Cranborne Chase AONB

The sites are within the setting of the Cranborne Chase Natural Landscape (AONB), and should be considered as valued landscapes and are part of a rolling landscape indistinguishable from the AONB.

The CCAONB write that 'it is concerning that sites identified in policies 27 and 28 [Land South of Harnham and Land West of Coombe Road] have been put forward to public consultation without prior discussion with the AONB Partnership."

Black Sky

Dark Skies

There is no evidence that the effect of development on sites 8 & 9 on the International Dark Sky area of the Cranborne Chase Dark Sky Reserve would be acceptable.


The AONB strongly advise reconsideration

Development on sites 8 & 9 does not conserve the natural beauty of the AONB and its setting, or the valued landscapes which, due to the elevated and sloping nature of the site, cannot be adequately mitigated by landscape modification and planting. 

“The CCAONB Partnership does, therefore, strongly advise that the allocations in policies 27 and 28 are reconsidered."

Why This Matters

Missed Opportunities for Brownfield Development

This development would not be necessary if brownfield sites were developed.

No Brownfield sites included in the plan

Contrary to the Local Plan objectives, no brownfield sites have been allocated for development in Salisbury.

Sites not included (with little explanation) include the Old Gasworks, Quidhampton Quarry and Churchfields.

Maltings & Central Car Park - Salisbury.png

No allocation for the Maltings

There is no allocation for the Maltings and Central Car Park (Policy 23) despite housing being part of the development plan.  This could generate 200 centrally located, affordable homes.  

Quidhampton Quarry - Salisbury.png

Dismissal of proactive brownfield developers

Quidhampton Developments (the landowner of Quidhampton Quarry) state that the council has not properly considered the site that could provide over 400 new homes.

Working with Financial Documents

Windfall allowance too low 

Independent analysis of windfall numbers confirm that the current allocation of just 350 dwellings for Salisbury Principal Settlement is too low and probably half the number that it should be.

Why This Matters

Risk to Heritage Sites

This development will severely risk the interpretation of a Historic Monument
Image by Trnava University

Archaeological potential

High archaeological potential due to close proximity to the Ancient Villages site.  


Ancient Monument

The development is in close proximity to the Woodbury Hillfort and Ancient Villages settlement

(Scheduled Ancient Monument). 


Any development built within view will likely damage the setting appreciation of the Monument.

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Heritage Impact Assessment

Wiltshire Council's Heritage Impact Assessment identified one third of proposed land as an 'Area of no development'. 


Even with mitigation strategies there is a high risk of residual harm.

Why This Matters

Wildlife, Habitats and Rare Species

This development will damage the  local wildlife environment
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Destruction of Habitats 

The habitat of hundreds of species, including badgers, bats, swifts, skylarks, and slow worms, will be destroyed.


Pressure on Lime Kiln Open Space

The flora and fauna of Lime Kiln Open Space will be affected by increased use from hundreds of residents and visitors.

Why This Matters

Concerns regarding development of the Local Plan

Failings in Wiltshire Council's plan development has led to the inappropriate inclusion of these sites
Sad children

Undeliverable without significant cost cutting

There will be extremely high cumulative developer contributions to: support challenging sewage removal; solve difficult road access issues; contribute to ‘offsite infrastructure reinforcement for water supply and the foul water network capacity’; fund improvements to cycle paths; fund significant transport improvements around the Harnham gyratory; fund school building and contribute to GP services; deliver play areas, allotments and nursery education. 

This means that delivering meaningful affordable homes seams unlikely and that the whole development is unlikely to be economically viable to deliver unless the developer is allowed to cut costs.

Protest Signs

Lack of meaningful community involvement

Contrary to their own Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), the Council failed to consult with the community at the Regulation 18 stage in respect of allocations of land south of Harnham (Policy 27 – Site 8), and land west of Coombe Road (Policy 28 – Site 9). Site 8 was only at ‘Reserve’ status at that stage with no details to support a consultation, and Site 9 wasn’t included at all.   

Laptop and Paperwork

Wiltshire Council ignore 1500+ community representations

Although our community submitted 1500+ representations, Wiltshire Council has published the Local Plan with little explanation to address these concerns.

Colleagues at Work

Council cooperation with other agencies is unclear

The Council has failed its legal compliance duty by not setting out, in the Duty to Cooperate statement, how they have worked with prescribed bodies. 


There is an absence of Statements of Common Ground (SOCG), thereby denying residents the transparent opportunity to understand development plans and strategies. 

We do not believe that the plan for Salisbury is a sound plan. Building large developments on green fields in Salisbury is an easy option, and allows the council to reach their target for the whole county, but at what cost to our community?





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